
Collect, Collaborate and Export

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to a central location.

All publications and text collected by you using Refeus WebCollect and Refeus Mobile will be stored at Refeus Infopool. Hence they can be taken to the main application Refeus Basic or Refeus Plus. So you are able to access, check and enhance your collected material everywhere online.


Connect, with a single account

Using the Infopool is a childs play. Simply enter your e-mail Address and choose a password. Use the same data to link up Refeus WebCollect and Refeus Mobile with Refeus Basic or Plus.

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Bibliography and Citations on the fly.

Individual documents as well as entire sourcebooks can be easily exported. Also you can choose from various citation styles. That way a quick research on any specific topic will reduce your effort creating a 'list of references' to a few clicks, even without having any bibliographic software installed on your computer or when using together with additional software, such as OpenOffice.

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